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Are you ready to risk your hand for a million of dollars? This game will show how greedy you are! ...
This game is perfect when you play it with a friend. This is a grand pizza competition where you ...
How challenging can it be to work with your hands? Complicated art-class stuff aside, do thing like ...
Welcome to the Darts Club! Here you will meet other members of the club from all corners of the ...
Some games seem to be so hard that it's totally frustrating trying to pass a mission yet another ...
Hand Simulator is not exactly a game. Today it's called 'experience.' There is no gameplay as such, ...
Appear in the hostile and dangerous world filled with alive skeletons, zombies, and other monsters. ...
If you have seen the movie called The Jurassic Park and liked it, then you will appreciate this ...
This game will make you a real archer that needs to improve his skills – striking the arrows right ...
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