TOP Games

Test yourself – play the game where the large sum of money (a billion of dollars!) can cost you a ...
You and your buddy are real donut-lovers. Aren’t you? Well, now you must prove that donuts are your ...
Hands Attack is a cool and highly-competitive reaction entertainment that is perfect when played ...
One of the most beautiful and mysterious animals in the world are foxes. Become one in this amazing ...
Find out how does it feel to one of the mightiest predators of the jungle – a tiger! Choose the ...
When pigs go mad, they act chaotically! You will become such a pig and destroy everything around ...
Meet Spidey in the very new look! He has a new costume and a set of amazing skills. You will play ...
Cute and amusing simulator where you are going to become a nice doggie! This game allows you to ...
The really dark and dangerous place is all around you. This is the wild forest and you have only ...
Become a commander of the army! Your duty of a leader is pretty tricky – you need to choose and ...
This game will surely make you a bit anxious. This is a pretty disturbing story where you will ...
The native city is in great danger – the alien attack is pretty serious and it seems like they are ...
The most dangerous creature of the sea surely is the white shark. Being a diver, you have to be ...
In this game, you will learn a lot about yourself. Do you think that you have high ideals? Let’s ...
Being a panda is really amazing. Just imagine – you wake up in the forest, the air is so fresh, ...
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