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Test yourself – play the game where the large sum of money (a billion of dollars!) can cost you a ...
You and your buddy are real donut-lovers. Aren’t you? Well, now you must prove that donuts are your ...
Hands Attack is a cool and highly-competitive reaction entertainment that is perfect when played ...
One of the most beautiful and mysterious animals in the world are foxes. Become one in this amazing ...
Find out how does it feel to one of the mightiest predators of the jungle – a tiger! Choose the ...
When pigs go mad, they act chaotically! You will become such a pig and destroy everything around ...
Meet Spidey in the very new look! He has a new costume and a set of amazing skills. You will play ...
Cute and amusing simulator where you are going to become a nice doggie! This game allows you to ...
The really dark and dangerous place is all around you. This is the wild forest and you have only ...
Become a commander of the army! Your duty of a leader is pretty tricky – you need to choose and ...
This game will surely make you a bit anxious. This is a pretty disturbing story where you will ...
Winter sports are great! You might perceive cold and uncomfortable times of these snowy and icy ...
The native city is in great danger – the alien attack is pretty serious and it seems like they are ...
The most dangerous creature of the sea surely is the white shark. Being a diver, you have to be ...
In this game, you will learn a lot about yourself. Do you think that you have high ideals? Let’s ...

Hand Simulator Game Play Online

Even since simulators have become a hot new genre on the online gaming market, we’ve seen hundreds of them. They started as simple things like driving a car and have gone all the way up to complicated scenarios like running your own cafe where you have to do all the cooking and serving. Now the trend gets back to simple again. But what may be easy in looks might turn out to be rather challenging in practice. Welcome to Hand Simulator, a ridiculously primitive game where you need to do different things with virtual hands – and a tremendously hardcore one due to oversensitive controls. Do you feel ready to face that trial? If you have a quick temper and lack of patience, it’s going to be twice as daring for you because the way you’ll keep dropping things and doing it all wrong will make you lose it repeatedly! But even more frequently, it will make you laugh because you can never predict the silly situation you’ll get in this time. So, let’s set out on our very first mission!

Not as simple as you think!

Before you can proceed to really serious tasks, you need to get the hang of the controls and train on easier stuff. Something like picking up an item, any item. Come on, how hard is that, you can do it! Just reach out for it, that’s right… And now clench your fingers! Wow, what a bummer. Feels like it’s the first time you’re using your hands even though you do it on a daily basis without giving it the slightest thought! Just wait, it’s going to get even tougher. Every finger, every little muscle that sets your hand machine into motion is there and you must get the hang of all those numerous buttons and their combinations to achieve the desired effect. Once you’re remotely convenient with the basic mechanics – turning your wrists, bending your fingers, clenching a fist and of course switching between your right and left hand – you can proceed to perform some more complicated operations. And those will really test your nerves!

Try everything you can do with hands!

The game includes plenty of levels where you can try doing a vast variety of things with your hands. How about hanging a few Christmas toys on the fur tree? Remember that they are fragile and if you drop them, you might end up with no holiday decorations. Maybe you’ll do better loading a gun? Putting in all of those bullets is no piece of cake, especially when speed matters. Hand Simulator also features a multiplayer where you can compete or simply full around with your friends or whoever you meet online. A crazy shootout in cowboy style may seem like a synchronized Parkinson session when you see all those hands shaking and twitching and dropping things out of any order. Sometimes you’ll come across downright ridiculous situation when you aim at your opponent, but shoot your other hand instead. Anyway, it’s not about victory here, this game is just meant to have fun. And you can do it for hours! Because no matter how good you get with your virtual limbs, there are always new, even more daring tasks for you to manage. Enjoy this wacky experience online and sigh with relief when you finally put down your gadget and get to use your real hands for a change!

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